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ZIK guest editor resigned because of the new editorial policy

07.03.2017, 15:00

In early March, the head of analytical department and senior guest editor Vira Gyrych left the "ZIK" TV channel because of disagreement with the editorial policy of the new general producer Hayhysyza Heldiyeva. She told about her decision to "Media Detector" outlet.

She emphasised on her disagreement with Hayhysyza Heldiyev editorial policy, by which channel ZIK ostensibly has to become equal to "112 Ukraine" channel.

According to her, the new requirements of general producer on editorial policy does not meet the principles of informational journalism. "Requirements on editorial policy, formulated by a new general producer, do not meet the principles of journalistic work and news reporting in general. I felt as if there was a manipulative imposition of certain principles of political agitation and the imposition of these principles in the informational broadcasts, "- she explained.


Photo - Vira Hyrych Facebook

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