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Zaporizhzhia city website receives emails with new propaganda talking points

10.05.2022, 14:12

On May 9, the editors of the Zaporizhzhia city website received an email from russians that contained a new rethoric. It mentions "Western donors" and "supervisors from the Ukrainian secret services."

This was reported by the staff members to the IMI representative in Zaporizhzhia region.

Namely, an email from "Alexandrovich Tsisar" with the subject "Must be read", sent from the mail, reads:

"The money you receive for inciting hatred against russians will not save you. Your supervisors from the Ukrainian secret services and the government will forget you as soon as their own skins are in danger. Your Western donors, curators, and sponsors will not help you, either. You will just be thrown away as used things that aren't needed anymore." The letter was signed by the hacker group NoName057(16).

Earlier, russians had threatened a number of Volyn and Zaporizhzhia media outlets with imprisonment, interrogation, and torture.

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