Unknown person attacks Telegraph journalist in Kyiv

On September 5, an unknown man attacked Yuliya Zabelina, a Telegraph political journalist, near her home in Kyiv. She told IMI about this.
According to Yulia, the unknown man attacked her from behind when she was opening the front door of her house.
"He walked up very quietly, it was impossible to hear him. He had quiet shoes, probably on purpose, as we have already discussed with the investigators. He attacked me from behind and immediately began to grope me painfully, with the obvious subtext (sexual – Ed.), he wanted to hurt me. I turned around and started screaming, he calmly left," the journalist said.
She added that the man had not intended to rob her, as he had not taken either her purse or the phones that she had been holding in her hands.
According to Yulia, the man was dressed in all black, wearing a jacket with a hood: "Everything was thought through so that I could not see his face. Maybe he wanted to do it... or just to scare me."
The journalist does not rule out that this may be related to her professional work.
After the incident, Yulia Zabelina contacted the police and filed a statement about the attack. The police initiated a criminal case under Article 296 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism). She has already been summoned for questioning, as well as for identification of several suspects. However, the attacker has not yet been found.
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