Ukrainian journalists and international organizations protest against “Ministry of Propaganda” and attack against freedom of press
Journalists all around Ukraine protest against creation of the Ministry of informational policy. In particular, in Kyiv and Kirovohrad there were protest actions; in Chernivtsi, Zaporizhzhya, Sumy, Lutsk, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv, journalists have been signing collective letters and appeals. Also, Ukrainian and international media organizations, such as “Stop Censorship!”, “Reporters without borders”, the Committee for protection of journalists, and OSCE - stepped forward against it.
On December 3, mass media representatives in Chernivetska oblast made a declaration that they are outraged and they do not accept the government’s initiative to create the Ministry of informational policy. They consider such actions an attack against freedom of press, an attempt to establish control over mass media, and to create a new propaganda tool, much like those in place during the Soviet times.
On December 4 in Kirovohrad, journalist gathered for protest against creation of the Ministry of informational policy.
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