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State Border Guard Service explained why they banned entry to Italian journalist

26.03.2019, 15:12
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Oleg Slobodyan, Assistant to the Head of State Border Guard Service and press officer, explained what were reasons to ban entry to Ukraine for Italian journalist Mark Innaro. The journalist failed to provide accreditationat the Central election commission and he had published several anti-Ukrainian materials, as Slobodyan told interviewed by the “Fakty and kommentarii” daily. “At the passeport check-point they identified a journalist working for an Italian corporate group, but after being interviewed the border officers found out he had not been accredited at the Central election commission, he was only going to get the accreditation and secondly, he frequently had been affording himself anti-Ukrainian rethoric. At that moment, the border officers denied him to cross the border”, as Slobodyan said. Denial to cross the border is not ban to entry, as press ofiicer of SBGSU said. “If we get some extra information to the benefit that he has to cross the border, so, naturally, in the framework of the law in force we can let him entry the territory”. As it was reported, Ukrainian authorities have denied entry to an Italian journalist, accusing him of an “anti-Ukrainian” bias, as The New York Times reported. Marc Innaro, a correspondent for the Italian RAI state television, has been barred from entering Ukraine when he arrived in the country to cover Sunday’s presidential vote.
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