Soldier, ACC photo correspondent Maksym Shwartzman killed in action

Maksym Shwartzman, a soldier, photojournalist and videographer for the Chernivtsi news agency ACC, was killed in action in Donetsk oblast on July 15.
This was reported by the media website on July 27.
Maksym (call sign Marvel) enlisted in the Chernivtsi Territorial Defense in the first days of the full-scale war.
"Kalanchak village in Kherson oblast, where he was born, was occupied – Maksym could not accept or allow this," the post reads.
Photo: ACC
Maksym's wake will take place on July 29 at 11:00 a.m. at the Alley of Glory of the Central Cemetery of Chernivtsi.
According to IMI, Maksym Shwartzman is the 66th media worker to be killed in the course of Russia's aggression.
As reported by IMI, Dmytro Rybakov, a soldier, journalist and historian was killed in Zaporizhzhia oblast on July 18.
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