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Scammer mails requests and fake recommendations to journalists on behalf of OSINT investigators from Molfar

18.09.2023, 18:07

A scammer posed as Serhiy Polozhay, a member of the OSINT community Molfar, in multiple Telegram groups for journalists and fixers, reports the Telegram channel Molfar on OSINT.

"Under a false name, this person created inflammatory situations, was rude, asked for data on shelling strikes and lied about working at Molfar," the investigators noted.

They also reported some information about the scammer and stressed that they had already submitted all the details to the competent authorities.

  • Telegram ID: 5698083505;
  • interests: Crimea, "DNR", Mariupol, Qazaqstan, bridges, the Crimean Bridge, armed conflicts;
  • groups: "Chonhar checkpoint chat", "Mariupol Road", "Conversations on the Crimean Bridge".

"We stress: the Molfar team never writes requests on behalf of the company in public groups. We never ask about shelling strikes, we don't look for people's contact info, and we don't give political advice. Neither do we text people in private messages – all communication is done through a chatbot. If you have received or come across a message written on behalf of Molfar in a public group, please report it to @eye_of_molfar_bot," the community added.

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