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Russians ramp up the creation of fake Telegram channels of Ukrainian brigades and battalions – CCD

18.12.2023, 10:37

Fake channels of Ukrainian brigades and battalions have been proliferating on Telegram, reports the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCP) at the National Security and Defense Council.

The descriptions of these Telegram channels claim that they were created to receive feedback on violations and crimes on the part of the command.

Photo by the CCD

As the CCD points out, these channels were in fact created by the Russians to spread disinformation and push their narratives for the purpose of discrediting both the command of the brigades and battalions and the soldiers themselves.

These channels also act as intelligence sources for the enemy by collecting information in the feedback they receive.

The Center for Countering Disinformation urges people not to visit such channels and to only trust verified sources of information.

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