Russians are targeting Ukrainians with a disinformation campaign in Gaza – DI
The Russians in the Middle East have started another disinformation campaign aimded at discrediting Ukraine. Russian citizens are calling Ukrainians who are currently in Gaza and spreading disinformation among them, reports the Defense Intelligence Deparment at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
Namely, these people assure Ukrainians that "Ukraine has abandoned them," that "there will be no more rescue" and that "Russia is ready to evacuate them."
"At the same time, Russian callers make it clear that for a chance to 'evacuate' from the Gaza Strip, Ukrainians will have to give an interview for a Russian news agency. The so-called 'rescuers' do not disclose any details about the contents of the interview or possible questions. Thus, Moscow strives, as is its tradition, to take advantage of the aggravation of basic human needs amidst an armed conflict in order to move to the next stage of the smear campaign against Ukraine, namely by producing propaganda content to further spread the lies which benefit the aggressor," the DI reports.
Intelligence calls on their compatriots in Gaza to report all cases of such blackmail, provocations or intimidation by unknown Russians.
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