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Russian hackers attack "Dim", stream Moscow parade

09.05.2024, 15:06

Russian hackers targeted the broadcast of the TV channel "Dim" on the Astra satellite on May 9, jamming the signal and streaming the Moscow parade on the channel's airwaves.

This was reported to the Institute of Mass Information by the press office of the state-owned company "International Multimedia Broadcasting Platform of Ukraine" (IMBPU), which owns the TV channel.

According to the IMBPU, the signal absence was recorded by technicians from 12:18 to 12:20. The parade was streamed on the channel for two minutes.

The operator of the SES Astra satellite promptly shut down the Russian broadcasting. The "Dim" streaming was resumed on the Astra satellite at 13:55.

On May 9, 2024, Russian hackers broke into the satellite livestream of the StarLightMedia channels and Inter to broadcast the Red Square parade in Moscow. The signal of the StarLightMedia channels and Inter was eventually restored. The channels promptly launched the security protocol to shut down the signal.

On May 9, 2024, the StarLight Media channels said they have already suffered three Russian attacks. Hackers continued to interfere with the signal of Ukrainian TV channels after the broadcasting was restored.

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