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Poltava journalist asked to get approval on photos from traffic accident scene

12.06.2024, 18:00

Darya Hustilina, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Chutivsky Kray" (Poltava oblast), reports being asked to get an approval on a photo from the scene of a car crash involving a Halo humanitarian demining vehicle.

The journalist informed the Poltava representative of the Institute of Mass Information about this.

According to the journalist, the accident happened on June 12: she was taking photos of the event when the crew of the Halo humanitarian demining vehicle demanded that she get an approval to publish the photos from the car crash scene from their office.

"When I took a few photos of the traffic accident, a woman from the humanitarian demining vehicle came up to me and said that the publication should be coordinated with their office. However, she did not introduce herself, and no one gave me any office contacts," Darya Hustilina said.

The journalist added that she showed her journalist's badge at the woman's request, and it was photographed.

IMI lawyer Volodymyr Zelenchuk explains that the journalist does not have to coordinate her report.

"Data on unlawful actions by state bodies, local self-government bodies, their officials and employees cannot be considered classified information (clause 5, part 4, Article 21 of the Law on Information). Traffic accidents involving a humanitarian demining vehicle can be filmed and made public without their consent," commented the lawyer.

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