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Newspaper of former Party of Regions member in Cherkasy threatens journalist with «head against pavement»

10.04.2015, 01:38

Yuriy Stryhun, Cherkasy-based journalist and correspondent for "Gazeta po-Ukrainky" and for the media outlet "Dzvin", was threatened right in the newspaper "Ridna Zemlia".

This newspaper belongs to a former Party of Regions member Oleksander Korotkov. In the last issue of his newspaper, there was a comment saying that Stryhun "can suddenly trip and fall on his head against the pavement". Korotkov has a grudge against the journalist, as the latter investigates privatization and scheming around the bread-producing factory that Korotkov as a director assigned by the state drew to bankruptcy, and then bought for a cheap price as a businessman. 

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