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National Resistance Center: Russians force Ukrainian deportees to film pro-war videos

02.07.2024, 15:41

While interrogating Ukrainians who have left for Russia, the FSB makes them record videos in support of Russia's war on Ukraine, reports the National Resistance Center.

"During the interrogations, Ukrainians are offered to record a video in support of the 'SMO' (Russia's term for the war on Ukraine – Ed.) to avoid 'problems'; these videos are part of an information campaign against our state. Ukrainians are essentially being used as hostages of their own situation," the Ukrainian underground resistance notes.

The National Resistance Center called on the people to report every FSB officer involved in such interrogations so that they can be identified and prosecuted in the future.

As IMI reported, the occupiers have posted photos of children from the occupied part of Kharkiv oblast who were taken to the annexed Crimea.

Using children for propaganda, Russia pursues several goals:

  • encouraging loyalty to the occupation regime in the younger generation;
  • legitimizing the occupation by pretending to care for the local population;
  • promoting the narrative about the Kharkiv oblast residents' willingness to be part of the Russian Federation.
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