More than 80 journalists covering pro-Navalny rallies detained - Meduza
At least 82 journalists were detained during the protest rallies on January 31, as Sofia Rusova, a member of the bureau of the Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers, told “Open Media”, as “Meduza” reported.
"Some of them have already been released, but there are no exact figures for now," she said. According to the trade union, 21 media professionals were detained in Moscow, and 10 were in St. Petersburg.
Among the detainees are Serhey Parkhomenko (“Echo of Moscow”), Mikhail Zelensky (“Kholod”), Elena Kostyuchenko (“Novaya Gazeta”), Daniil Turovsky (“vDud”), Anton Feinberg (RBC), Anton Osherov (moloko plus) and Valeria Savinova (MBK Media), Ivan Kleimenov and others.
Many journalists were detained despite the press cards they had on hand, editorial assignments and they wore vests with "Press" inscriprion on.
In total, as Reuters reported, more than 5000 people have been detained in Russia during the protests.
Meduza, Reuters
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