Ministry of Information Policy will show list of website it suggests to block
The Minister of Information Policy Yuriy Stets informed that on June 19 the Ministry declassifies the list of websites the Ministry of Information Policy suggests to block as anti-Ukrainian. He shared this on June 19 on the Ministry leadership’s press conference on the topic “Report and Prospects of Development of Informational Policy of Ukraine”, “Detector Media” reports.
“You will not see in our list either “Yandex”, or “VKontakte”, but only seoaratist websites”, he said in an answer to the question why the service “Yandex.Probki” (Yandex Traffic Jams) was blocked, and the separatist websites are still easily accessible.
The journalists tried to find out why the separatist websites are stil not banned, but Yuriy Stets said he has no answer for this question.
“I am a media guy, I don’t like when bans are imposed, because it makes people wonder even more that it is that is banned”, he said.
For the context, in the end of May the Expert Council of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine turned over to the Security Service of Ukraine the list of 20 websites with anti-Ukrainian content which can be blocked under the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine. This list was not made public then.
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