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Media freedom coalition launched to address attacks on journalists

15.07.2019, 12:45
The United Kingdom and Canada form a coalition to defend media. Britain's Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt and his Canadian counterpart, Christopher Freeland, announced about this decision on July 13th, as it is reported by the foreign policy departments of the United Kingdom and Canada. In particular, the coalition is aiming to draw attention to the attacks on journalists. “The new coalition will aim to change political calculations and increase the costs to those who abuse media freedom”. The coalition founders are to hold annual conferences involving world leaders and heads of government, civil society and media to take stock of the state of media freedom around the world, with Canada hosting the next conference in 2020. The initiative will be supported by the Global media fund - an international working group on national regulation in the media sector. Legal support will be provided to her by an independent expert commission chaired by Lord David Neuberger, former head of the British Supreme Court, and with the participation of well-known international lawyers. The founders claimed the UK government has also decided to establish an autonomous human rights sanctions regime once it leaves the European Union. The sanctions could be used against individuals and governments that abuse human rights, including acts against the media. The decision to create a coalition was taken on the basis of the Global conference for media freedom in London. She has gathered over 1500 delegates from more than 100 countries of the world.
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