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Lviv journalist says person he investigated threatens him

07.11.2014, 23:36

Viktor Korniyenko, the editor of Lviv advocacy website "Pravkom" and member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, says that Liudmyla Lutz, a chair of the department of theory and philosophy of law, the law school of Lviv National University, about whom he was preparing an expose, threatens him. Korniyenko wrote about this to the Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema.

According to Korniyenko, he was investigating how Lutz was using her connections in the judiciary system was trying to take away an apartment owned by a school teacher in a downtown old building although Lutz’ family already owns several apartments in this building.

Korniyenko used different channels to ask Lutz to comment but received no answer. He was still collecting materials for the article, when Lutz did call him on his cell phone and threatened to take care of him and of his website.  

Korniyenko believed she did so to stop him from investigating so he submitted a complaint to the oblast prosecutor’s office but his complaint was not even registered. In violation of all procedures, it was transferred to a local police department where Korniyenko was summoned for explanation. 

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