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Kolomoyskiy to use “1+1” as stick

10.05.2019, 15:23
Ihor Kolomoyskiy, oligarch andultimate fineficary owner of the “1+1” TV channel claimed he woulg going to use “1+1” as a stick in order to stimulate new regime to bring about changes in Ukraine. He said it interviewed by RBC-Ukraine. Asked whether he wished Ukraune changes in Ukraine, he told “I want changes to be made. This is not just that I want. I will going to take it like a life philosophy and I will make them apply the changes. And I have a good tool for it: this is “1+1”. As to Poroshenko, it was no choice, one could only speak of the shortcomings. And as to these ones, one has to make them work. This will be a stick”. And as a carrot for new president, it will be “better tomorrow and path to become history”. He spoke of Volodymyr Zelensky as of person who needed “great glory”. “You see, a person who tasted of glory, he does not need money and does not even need power, he needs glory”, Kolomoysky said. In his earlier interview to, Kolomoyskiy had said that Petro Poroshenko lost presidential election in 2019, because his voters were watching “1+1”.
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