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Kerch journalist threatened with physical punishment

15.01.2013, 11:32
 Iryna Sedova, journalist and editor of web-site (Kerch), claims that unknown people threaten her with physical punishment.

 "Insults and threats appeared on my page in the VKontakte social network in the afternoon of January 10. I am sure that this is directly related to my work as a journalist and editor. I had to disable users comments on my wall and to hide the private settings, because they contain insults, obscene language, and pictures with porn "- Sedova said.

According to her, unknown people posted on her wall the following texts "I'll kill you, scum", "I'll find you, bitch, and will cut your hands so that you bitch can no longer write," "Scum ... Prostitute ", etc..

The journalist turned to police. She stresses that she regards the threats as directly connected with her professional activities.

Sedova believes that the threats against her are connected with her latest article "Who and why taught Kerch teenagers to administer justice?". "In this article, I'm not trying to support any side, I just expressed the view that the fight against such a terrible phenomenon as pedophilia should be conducted in line with the law of Ukraine", - the journalist added.

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