Judges transferred Kurchenko’s media holding to National agency for management of corruption assets

The Kyiv's Pechersk District Court granted the Prosecutor General's request and transferred assets, property and corporate rights of the Ukrainian Media Holding (UMH) group to the National Agency for Detection, Investigation and Management of Proceeds of Corruption, as it is said in the court order, as to Economychna Pravda.
According to the GPO, in 2013, Serhiy Kurchenko's group acquired the shares of UMH Group. A part of the $ 246.1 million was paid to TriLado Enterprise Inc. in the period from 03.04.2013 to 20.09.2013 "using the funds got from criminal ctivity from the accounts of enterprises controlled by the criminal organization".
The remaining part of the proceeds of the $ 160 million transaction was obtained through a loan provided by Ukreximbank to Vetek Media Invest LLC (with loan payment date up to 10/27/2022).
"According to the prosecutor, the mentioned financial transactions related to the acquisition of a block of shares of a number of mass media and repayment of a loan in the amount of $ 160 million, granted to JSC" Ukreximbank "for LLC" Vetek Media Invest "under the loan agreement dated October 28, 2013 # 151313K15 , have signs of legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime, "- court documents say.
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