Journalists of "Nashi hroshi.Lviv" goes into litigation with SBU
Journalists of online outlet "Nashi hroshi.Lviv" (Our money.Lviv) are suing the Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast for not providing outlet with public information. Journalist of the online outlet Julia Kostyuk posted information on her Facebook page, "Dostup do pravdy"(access to the truth) reported.
Journalists asked the Security service of Ukraine to provide them with copies of declarations of property, income, expenses and financial obligations of the Head of USBU in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast Petro Didukh and his deputies for 2014 and 2015 years.
The Security Service refused to provide information. "In accordance with paragraph 4 of article 8 of the Law" On state secret "information in the field of national security and law enforcement, particularly the personnel of carrying out investigative operations or intelligence or counterintelligence activities is related to state secrets," - goes in SBU response.
There was one meeting on the case, the next is scheduled for April 26.
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