Journalist of TRC “Kirovohrad” injured in confrontation between police officers and fighters of Donbas battalion
On June 27, in the village of Berezhynka in Kirovohradska oblast during a confrontation between police officers and fighters of the Donbas battalion with support from residents, a vice-editor-in-chief of the oblast TV and Radio Company “Kirovohrad” Maria Lebid was injured. She reported this to the IMI representative in Kirovohradska oblast herself.
“About 5:30 p.m., I received a call from the representative of “Agrarian Community Defense” and was asked to come to Kirovsky court, as it just held a session on the case of hired thugs engaged in raiding and plainly released them from detention. When I arrived, I learned that some unidentified men with no insignia came to Berezhynka. As it turned out to be, they were law enforcement – the National Guard and representatives of the special subdivision “KORD” (Operative Rapid Action Corps). By the time we got there, the confrontation was almost over and almost all “Donbas” battalion fighters were already packed in the National Guard’s police van. Still, local residents tried to free “Donbas” fighters, who were defending their interests. The National Guard started spraying tear-gas and getting into altercation with the locals”, the journalist said. She said she was repeatedly introducing herself and saying she was a journalist. Still, she was pushed to the ground, trampled and kicked in her legs. She was also affected by the tear gas somebody pulled her out of the crowd. Maria Lebid decided not to file a complaint with the police. She said such events discredit police in the eyes of the community.
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