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It is suggested to expel from Ukraine Russian journalists that aid terrorists

15.05.2014, 17:54

The group "Informational Resistance" suggested that journalists of Russian media outlets, who publish anti-Ukrainian propaganda, were declared persona non grata  and expelled from Ukraine.  According to Dmytro Tymchuk, the group coordinator and the head of the Center of military and political research, this initiative was met with full understanding of the governmental agencies. The corresponding work is in progress. Tymchuk points out that Russian media outlets publish sheer anti-Ukrainian propaganda and create a positive image for the terrorists; moreover, Russian journalists have been seen in directly participating in interrogations of Ukrainian military (and thus – in their kidnappings), in provocations against Ukrainian military; in spying for armed mobs and Russian intelligence services. Tymchuk insists such activities under the guise of journalism are unacceptable. 

This is why the group "Informational Resistance" suggests:

1. to declare Russian journalists, who engage in such activities, persona non grata  and expel from the country. (the procedures is now being discussed);

2. to detain representatives of Russian media outlets, who show accreditation from organizations, which are already legally terrorist – "Donetsk People’s Republic" and "Luhansk People’s Republic" and to charge them with participation in terrorist activities.

3. to organize accreditation under the anti-terrorist operation HQ for all journalists that work in the zone of the anti-terrorist operation.

The special group under the anti-terrorist operation HQ will be tasked with securing journalists’ safety and effectiveness.

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