ІТ army attacks over 400 online resources in a week
20.06.2022, 13:36

IT army of over 250,000 volunteer hackers from around the world strikes the enemy every day. In the last week alone (June 13-19), the IT army has attacked over 400 russian online resources. According to the Ministry of Digiral Transformation, the IT army has been fighting on 4 tracks:
- The Economic Forum and putin's speech. The attacks on the accreditation base of the Economic Forum in St. Petersburg delayed putin's speech for an hour. This spoiled his meeting with military correspondents and reduced the amount of disgusting propaganda voiced by the world's top terrorist.
- Regional courts of the russian federation. The information stored on the resources of russian regional courts has remained inaccessible for several weeks due to constant cyber attacks.
- Websites of terrorist organizations in Ukraine. The IT army has disabled online resources of terrorist groups in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. russian terrorist groups have no place in Ukraine, and their websites have no place on the Internet.
- The russian media. The IT army continues to restrain propaganda and does not stop its "preventive" work with the russian media.
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