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“Irpin area community Website” was under powerful DDoS-attack due to high-profile articles

18.11.2014, 14:40

On November 11 and 12, the media resource of the community of Irpin area “Website of Irpin area community” was under a powerful DDoS-attack.

As the website’s editorial office commented, latest high-profile publications at the website were about illegal privatization of a dormitory by the family of Kotsubynske village chief, Vadym Sadovskyi (this material was reprinted by “Ukrainska pravda”). Also, Olena Zhezhyra’s column about who in Irpin area finances the business of separatist Hubarev, was reprinted by “Obozrevatel” and “Insider”.

Administrators of the server, which is located abroad, say that the website was receiving up to 100 thousand request at the same time. The largest stream of DDOS attacks originated from Ukraine, from Horlivka, which is under control of terrorists. Also, intensive waves were coming from Russia, Spain and Indonesia, yet they were blocked.

The specialists managed to stabilize the website’s operation on November 12. Its specialists do not see sense in attacking the website, as the materials were already re-published in the Web (it just provides additional advertisement for the website), yet they say that the attack of this scale was rather expensive for the one who ordered it.

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