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In Zaporizhzhya, fake journalist was exposed on polling station

28.10.2014, 01:30

On October 26, during the voting, at one of the polling stations a member of the district electoral committee No.76 (Zaporizhzhya city) revelead a fake journalist, who was introducing himself as journalist of the media outlet "Vybir Chernihova". Yet he could not explain what his assignment was and could not present his journalist ID. As it was clarified later, no media outlet with such name is registered in the State Register of printed media and information agencies. So, the “journalist” was not allowed into the building, where the district commission worked.

Also, as it was reported by the online media outlet, in Leninsky rayon of Zaporizhzhya a Parliamnetary candidate in the majority constituency No.75 Oleksander Rabtsun attacked "representatives of the observers’ mobile group, which consisted of journalists from Chernihiv media outlet." 

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