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In Simferopol, journalists are not allowed to be present at court session of case of participants of Shevchenko’s birthday rally

10.03.2015, 23:09

In Simferopol, journalists are not allowed to be present at the session of the city’s Zaliznychny rayon court in the case of the participants of the rally to commemorate the birthday of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, which were detained after the event on March 9. This was reported by the local correspondent of the Center for journalist investigations on site.

The bailiffs would not let the journalists enter the building of the court and refer to the court chief’s oral command. None of the journalists was allowed to make photos or video  recording of the session. The court office said they do not have the case materials so they do not know its number which has to be included in the request for permission for filming.

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