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In Lviv, official hit with door the journalist writing about his wealth

16.06.2017, 01:07

On June 15, the head of the communal enterprise “Lvivteploenerho” Stepan Pakizh used force against the journalist of the program “Pravda. Rozsliduyvannia» (Truth. Investigation) of the TV channel NTA Iryna Skits. This was reported on the NTA TV channel’s Facebook page.

The journalist was asking questions about the price of the cars the official has listed in his income declaration, as this information was missing in the electronic declaration. The official got irritated over this, he terminated the conversation and left for his office, closing the door behind him with force and in the process hitting the journalist with it.

Iryna Skits on her Facebook page shares a suggestion that the official got angry over the questions related to the wealth of his unemployed wife. In her comment to the IMI representative in Lvivska oblast, the journalist mentioned that her filming crew together with her stayed in the official’s outer office for some time but he never emerged from the inner office nor apologized. 

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