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In Kyiv, major of police pushed journalist from balustrade

05.11.2013, 18:31

On October 26, at Yevropeiska square in Kyiv, a major of police pushed the journalist from the balustrade, from where he was filming the concert organized by the Party of Regions, the information agency “Poriad z vamy” informs.

As the agency informs, the policeman without any grounds demanded the journalist get down from the balustrade, impeding his work. At that the police officer did not introduce himself, and did not show his ID on demand. Following this, the police officer went up the balustrade and pushed the journalist down from there.

 The agency “Poriad z vamy” demands the Ministry of Internal Affairs publish the full name of the police officer at fault, and bring him to criminal responsibility for impeding the journalist’s work. The relevant complaint was filed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by Mr.Ruliov.

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