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In Kirovohrad region, editors of communal media outlet report censorship by authorities and their interventions into editorial policy

25.12.2014, 11:38

The editors of the communal newspapers of Kyrovohradska oblast complain about censorship and intervention by the heads of rayon administrations into the editorial policy. The editors appealed to the governor, Serhiy Kuzmenko, to issue a specific order to the heads of rayon administrations to stop this practice.

As an example of such practices, the editors say that heads of rayon administrations review and edit newspaper materials before they are issued, and forbid to publish news that are unfavorable to them.

The governor of Kirovohradska oblast said he is against any type of censorship, and is ready to examine the materials about the mentioned violations if the editors provide them.

The First Secretary of the National Association of journalists of Ukraine called the practice of intervening into activities of communal media outlets “shameful”, and offered the Association’s help in coverage and publications of the facts of pressure and drawing the public’s attention to this investigation.

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