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In Kharkiv, activist got her door and wiring cut for "wrongful" presentation

27.01.2015, 15:24

The civil activist and founder of the website “Hrani Chasu” Zhanna Tytarenko lately got her apartment door cut. The woman thinks that this case is related to publication of materials regarding the round table organized by NGO of ex-SSU and ex police officers «Syla i Chest'» ("Power and Honor"). Tytarenko focused her attention on anti-state rhetoric of the participants, who discussed possible federalization of Ukraine.

After the publication of her article on December 20, the round table organizers sent her a list of complaints, which she tried to take into account and edited the material. They were still unhappy, and called her again. One day, at her apartment the door and outside wiring were cut, and glue was poured into the locks to block them. Tytarenko filed a complaint to police.

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