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In Georgia, journalist lost her eye during the dispersal of protesters

21.06.2019, 14:21
About 240 people were injured, as the riot police fired rubber bullets and tear gas and unleashed water cannons on protesters in front of Georgia’s parliament. Among injured, there is a journalist who lost eyes because of the rubber bullets, as reported. The journalist was sent to a hospital. She is not the only journalist who was injured during the protests rally. In particular, journalist for "Courier" Tamara Bagashvili was wounded in his hand, cameraman for "Courier" Levan Melikidze was harmed too, as to " Ukrayinska Pravda." The protesters were scattered, only small groups left for now. The protests in Tbilisi erupted when Russian PM Sergei Gavrilov took up the speaker's chair and began speaking in Russian to the assembly of MPs from Orthodox Christian countries. The meeting was disrupted and the protesters tried to break into the parliament.
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