IMI Research: Most of the disbalance has "Vesti" and "" newspapers, the least of disbalance in ""
Almost half of the news in the newspaper "Vesti" and online edition of "" written in violation of journalism standards (balance, accuracy, separation of facts and opinions) (48% and 44% respectively). The best reults, among the all-Ukrainian online editions, showed outlet (8% news with violations), and among the print media - newspaper "Dzerkalo tyzhnia" (Mirror of the week) (24% news with violations).
Three online media outlets are at the top of the Ukrainian national ranking of sites in terms of professional standards of journalism: "Ukrainian Pravda",, Ukrinform - 76% of materials in these outlets, are written without any violations.
Among printed media outlets "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia" is the best - 57% of the materials without violating the standards.
The lowest result of compliance with the standards showed three online media outlets: (only 28% of materials are written without violating journalistic standards), "Obozrevatel" (32%) and (36%).
The lowest result among printed media outlets showed newspaper "Vesti", only 28% of materials contained no violations. Newspaper "Segodnia" and "KP v Ukraine" - 29% of materials without violating the professional standards of journalism.
Every fourth online media outlet and every third of prined media outlet breaks the balance of opinions and points of view in material. Mostly - news topics on specific conflict in which journalists did not take commentaries from the other side and didn't mention trying to get a comment.
In average, 17% of the internet media outlets and 30% printed media outlets violate the accuracy standard. For example, it is a news was based on unverified accounts in social networks, citing unnamed media ("separatist media reports"), or when the source of the information is not known at all.
Online media outlets violated the standard of separation of facts and opinions in 11% of tits materials and printed media outlets vilated this standard in 26%. For example, when the headlines of article do not coincide to its essence, e.g. journalists are interpreting an event in order to make the news more "clickable" or journalists are expressing their opinion in informational materials.
IMI experts conducted the monitoring with the support of U-Media Internews Network Inc. in February 2017. Experts analyzed ten popular national online media outlets ("Ukrainian Pravda, Ukrinform,, UNIAN,,, "Obozrevatel", and six national printed media outlets ( "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia", "Novoy vremya", "Fakty i kommentarii", "Segodnia", "KP v Ukraine", "Vesti").
For more details on analytics and methodology, please visit the IMI website.
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