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IMI announces contest “Catch the CORONA fake!”

10.04.2020, 16:50

The Institute of Mass Information announces contest “Catch the CORONA fake!” The goal of the contest is to reveal the fake news and misinformation related to quarantine and coronavirus pandemic (strain Covid-19) in Ukraine and in the world, as well as to improve media literacy of Ukrainians.

The contest is held in three nominations

  1. Identifying fakes in online mass media

To participate, you need to send a publication that, in your opinion, has misinformation on coronavirus. The publication has to be in form of hyperlink and screenshot (or photo) of respective page from web-based edition.  Also, it is necessarily to add clear and detailed refutation of mentioned fake news. Please, note such refutation has to be confirmed with facts, hyperlinks to relevant sources, comments from specialized experts, data from open sources and so on.

  1. Finding fake images in mass media

Those who are willing to take part in this contest, should send a photo fake related to coronavirus in form of hyperlink and screenshot (or photo) of respective page in web-based edition. Also, you have to send your text with clear and detailed refutation which will prove that the image is a fake. 

  1. Revealing untruthful messages on coronavirus in social networks

To participate, you need to send a screenshot and hyperlink to untruthful message in social networks Facebook, Twitter or Instagram which has at least more than 100 likes (reposts) related to coronavirus and which was not refuted at the moment you send the publication to this contest. In addition, you will need to add clear and detailed refutation of mentioned above fake. Please, note that this disclaimer has to be proven with facts, hyperlinks, comments from specialized experts, data from open sources and so on.

We accept applications sent by the persons older than 10 years old (with authorization of parents), except those persons who work as professional journalists. One person can send application not more than 3 materials in each nomination.

We accept publications in national and local online mass media and publications in social networks, that were published in the period from March 1st to April 30 2020.

In each nomination, 3 winners will be named with the following honoraria: 

  • 1st place — 5000 hryvnias
  • 2nd place — 4000 hryvnias
  • 3rd place — 3000 hryvnias

The applicants have to fill up the form here, before April 30, 2020 till 23:59 inclusive

The contest is held with support of American nation through the USAID project “Media program in Ukraine”, implemented by the international agency Internews. 

Before taking part in this contest, IMI experts suggest you to take your time to read  this advice, HOW TO DETECT AND CATCH A FAKE?

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