Human rights activists call for Russia to release unlawfully sentenced POW Maksym Butkevych

Human rights advocates, media workers, volunteers and activists call for the release of Maksym Butkevych, a prisoner of war illegally convicted by the occupiers.
The according statement was published by the Zmina Center for Human Rights:
On March 10, 2023, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced the conviction of Ukrainian human rights advocate and army serviceman Maksym Butkevych, who had been captured by the Russians last summer during the hostilities in Luhansk oblast, to 13 years in prison on completely fabricated charges. Two other Ukrainian prisoners were sentenced together with him: Viktor Pokhoziy and Vladyslav Shelya, to 8.5 and 18.5 years in prison, respectively.
Maksym Butkevich is a Ukrainian human rights advocate and journalist; co-founder of the "Bez Kordoniv" Project, which focuses on helping asylum seekers and Ukrainian immigrants and on countering hate speech; co-founder of the ZMINA Human Rights Center and Hromadske Radio; before that, he worked in multiple Ukrainian and international media outlets. He enlisted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in March 2022, and was taken prisoner near temporarily occupied Zolote and Hirske, Luhansk oblast, in June.
According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the so-called "Supreme Court of the LPR" found Maksym Butkevych guilty of allegedly abusing the civilian population and using unlawful methods in an armed conflict, attempted murder with a generally dangerous device, as well as intentional damage to someone else's property: on June 4, 2022 he allegedly fired a grenade launcher at the entrance of a residential building in Severodonetsk, Luhansk oblast. No evidence in this clearly fabricated case has been shown, except for the prisoner's official "confession" that the Russians recorded. However, according to our data, the "Berlingo" unit, where Maksym Butkevich serves, was not deployed to and took no part in the hostilities in Severodonetsk.
It is worth noting that until the aforementioned statement by the Investigative Committee, there had been no reports of any charges brought against POW Maksym Butkevych, which made it completely impossible for him to involve a lawyer and have access to a fair trial. No international organization was able to adequately monitor his detention conditions or clarify the details of his treatment, as Russia does not admit independent observers to the places of detention that it creates in the occupied territories.
At the same time, multiple Russian propaganda media have published content about Maksym Butkevych which is clearly false, such as attributing to him statements he never made or views opposite to those he holds. All this testifies to the deliberate fabrication of the case on the part of the Russians, probably aimed at constructing an image of the Ukrainian military as war criminals.
We condemn Russia's practice of using prisoners of war for propaganda, demand an end to the illegal persecution and allow POW Maksym Butkevich, as well as other Ukrainian POWs to be swapped.
We demand that the Russian Federation allow international observers to visit POWs and civilian hostages in order to monitor the conditions of their detention and prevent their ill-treatment and other violations of their rights.
We call on the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to keep putting pressure on the Russian Federation for the immediate release of all citizens illegally imprisoned by the occupation regime.
We call on the international community to step up the sanctions against Russia in view of the violations of international humanitarian law and human rights committed by it.
Signed by organizations:
ZMINA Center for Human Rights
"Bex Kordoniv" Project
Hromadske Radio
KRF "Public Alternative"
Educational House of Human Rights – Chernihiv
"Sich" Association – France
Media Initiative for Human Rights
Ukrainian Crisis Media Center
NGO "Women in Media"
Crimean Human Rights Group
Free Belarus Center
Eurasian Harm Reduction Association
Anti-authoritarian volunteer network "Solidarity Collectives"
NGO "Insight"
NGO "Ukrainian Branch of the International PEN Club"
NGO "Internews-Ukraine"
Ukrainian Guild of Directors
"Vostok SOS" Charity Foundation
Cedos Analytical Center
Vinnytsia NGO "Information and Educational Center VIS"
"Feminist Lodge" initiative
European Civic Forum
Odesa regional organization NPO Committee of Voters of Ukraine
"Intent" media outlet
Human Rights Initiative
Center for Democratic Integrity
"Occupy Kyiv Cinemas" initiative
NGO "League for the Protection of Women's Rights 'Harmony of Equals'"
NGO "Interregional Center for LGBT Studies Donbas-SociProject"
Solidarus e.V.
IBF "Public Health Alliance"
NGO "Virus Off"
NGO "Democratic Initiatives Incubator"
NGO "Real Stories Production"
NGO "The Republic Institute"
NI "Active Community"
NYPO "Foundation of Regional Initiatives"
Initiative group "By the way, Bureau of Communications"
LGBT Human Rights Center "Our World"
NGO "Social Action Center"
NGO "Social movement"
Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities (Vaad) of Ukraine
Congress of National Communities of Ukraine
NGO "Kyiv Educational Center 'Space of Tolerance'"
NGO "Ukrainian Feminist Network for Freedom and Democracy"
NGO "FemSolution"
NGO "Center 'Women's Perspectives'"
NGO "Cultural Agency Ɐ"
NGO "Resource Center of All-Ukrainian Association of People with Drug Addiction 'VOLNA-Donbas'"
ReSew sewing cooperative
NGO "Human Rights Vector"
Individual signatories:
Anastasia Moskvychova, journalist and public activist
Iryna Dumych, human rights advocate, public activist
Liza Kuzmenko, head of the NGO "Women in Media", member of the Commission on Journalistic Ethics
Hanna Dovbach, social activist, psychologist and cultural researcher
Karina Schulte, public activist
Julia Kotlyar, IT
Oksana Dutchak, researcher
Artem Chapai, writer
Tetyana Ignatenko, journalist and public activist
Volodymyr Kuznetsov, artist
Myroslava Barchuk, journalist
Yana Salakhova, public activist
Olena Shevchenko, head of NGO "Insight"
Margarita Tarasova, human rights advocate
Tetyana Teren, journalist, executive director of PEN Ukraine
Serhiy Movchan, activist
Oleksandra Binert, Chairman of the Board of the "Alliance of Ukrainian Organizations" – Germany
Serhiy Burov, director of the Educational House of Human Rights – Chernihiv
Olga Pishel, public activist
Yulia Krasilnikova, director of the "Vostok SOS" Charity Foundation
Natalia Lomonosova, researcher, Cedos analyst
Svitlana Dubina, human rights advocate
Oleksandr Prima, communicator, volunteer
Anastasia Chebotaryova, public activist
Maria Golovyanko, public activist
Yuliia Melnyk, public activist, Ekoltava
Hanna Pochtarenko, public activist
Yana Dzyubenko, public activist, volunteer
Oksana Kovtun, researcher
Henry Demyanovych, human rights activist
Polina Malec, young author, volunteer
Vyacheslav Likhachov
Anton Shekhovtsov, researcher
Serhiy Ishchenko, journalist
Mykhailo Shtekel, journalist
Vira Zaporozhets, journalist
Olena Rotari, journalist
Ihor Tyshchenko, "New Housing Policy"
Andriy Savenko, teacher, translator
Mykhailo Lebed
Dafna Rachok, researcher, PhD student at Indiana University
Roksolana Mashkova, translator
Maria Palchyk, chemical laboratory assistant at the Ludwig and Maximilian University of Munich
Olena Komar, philosopher, associate professor at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Anastasia Bezverkha, communicator, media expert
Yakiv Goldenberg, honored teacher of Ukraine
Vitaly Dudin, Chairman of the Council of the NGO "Social Movement"
Yevheniy Leshan, journalist, head of the NGO "Ukrainian Defense"
Oleksandr Volodarskyi
Olena Litvishko
Roman Kiselyov, philologist, translator
Olena Syrbu, researcher
Halyna Potapova, teacher
Bohdan Ivashko, designer
Denis Pilash, NGO "Social Movement"
Olena Dmytryk, researcher, PhD student at Cambridge University
Vitaly Kulyk, director of the Center for Researching Civil Society Problems
Tetyana Gomon, head of the NGO "Lyatoshinsky Foundation"
Oleksandra Golub, lawyer, head of NGO "League for the Protection of Women's Rights 'Harmony of Equals'"
Oksana Bunkivska, journalist, editor, translator, Maksym Butkevych's classmate
Tamara Marceniuk, associate professor of the Department of Sociology, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Ksenia Rybak, researcher
Zhanna Mylogorodska, public activist, CineMova union, Berlin
Sarah Phillips, Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University
Svitlana Melnyk, teacher, Indiana University
Oleksandr Stryapunin, system administrator, Megacomputer
Stanislav Menzelevsky, film historian
Taras Bilous, activist, editor
Oleksandra Nazarova, psychologist, "Bez Kordoniv" Project
Oksana Tsomko
Oleksiy Kozlov, head of Solidarus e.V.
Yaroslav Kovalchuk, PhD student, University of Alberta
Andriy Klepikov, executive director, IBF "Public Health Alliance"
Inna Gavrylova, communicator and public activist
Oleksandra Kantser, activist of the NGO "Feministic Workshop"
Armen Agadzhanov, public activist, human rights advocate
Yaryna Voloshyn, human rights advocate, communications head at the Association of Women Lawyers of Ukraine "JurFem"
Tetyana Perepelitsa, consultant, IBF "Public Health Alliance"
Nazariy Boyarskyi, human rights advocate, NGO "Democratic Initiatives Incubator"
Vitalia Chukina, honored teacher of Ukraine
Anastasia Kelym, volunteer
Volodymyr Zadyraka, journalist and public figure
Tetyana Vydaychuk, philologist, associate professor
Tatyana Salyuk, head of research projects
Hanna Kiyashchenko, head of the Poltava branch of the Suspilne Ukraine
Oksana Fedak, Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin e.V.
Viktor Isakov, program head at IBF "Public Health Alliance"
Andriy Kravchuk, public activist
Polina Vlasenko, researcher, professor, University of Akron
Kira Kreiderman, psychologist, coordinator and informal education trainer
Yosif Zisels, former political prisoner, member of the "December 1st" Initiative Group
Emily Chenel-Justice, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University
Roman Myronenko, Jr. lieutenant of the Armed Forces
Oleksandra Nabieva, curator, culture expert
Anatoly Chernousov, student of Charles University (Prague)
Alisa Novichkova, PhD student at Toronto Metropolitan University
Roman Bondarenko, lawyer of NGO "BATKY SOS"
Yulia Basmanova
Vera Sachenko, researcher, PhD student of the University of Potsdam
Ing. Dmitriy Doroshenko, IT odborník, občanský aktivista, dobrovolník (Praha)
Oleksiy Komar, scientist, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Nadia Babynska, co-founder of the OpenUp Ukraine community
Hanna Manoilenko, public activist
Iryna Ivanenko, volunteer
Sam Hardy, criminologist, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
Aliaksandra Baravikova
Maryna Shevtsova, director of the NGO "Platform of Equal Opportunities", researcher at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maya Ivanenko, activist
Dáša van der Horst, Program Director Prague Civil Society Centre, the Czech Republic
Paul van der Horst, writer, the Netherlands
Marta Chumalo, human rights advocate
Aleksandra Kuvshynova, public activist
Olena Horobets, NGO "Dzherelo Community Development Center"
Alla Kotlyar, journalist
Olena Gorbenko, PhD, scientist, San Diego, US
Maryna Dykuha, graphic designer, artist
Valeria Prorizna, creative producer and director, Center for Spatial Technologies & K
Oksana Rosenblum, translator
Yevhen Lesnoy, documentary director, TV and radio host, journalist
Darya Kuzmina, volunteer
Oleksiy Kvitkovskyi
Halyna Poshtarenko, public activist
Victoria Chernilevska, producer, mother of a fallen UAF soldier
Oleksiy Furman, journalist, co-founder of Reklamaster, father of a fallen soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Oleg Golovko, film director, soldier of the Armed Forces
Ihor Lukyanets, colonel, teacher at the military academy
Victoria Tortika, volunteer
Victoria Sharko, designer of Ukrainian ethnic clothing, volunteer
Oleksandr Ostrovsky, long-distance sailing captain
Olga Smetanska, journalist
Svitlana Maksymets, journalist, editor of the edition "Weekend in Kyiv"
Natalia Wolff, actress, director, volunteer
Victoria Melkovska, poet, writer
Tamara Romanova, artist
Rodion Safronov, honored coach of Ukraine (pentathlon)
Petro Prybutko, colonel, professor of philosophy
Yevgenia Miropolska, professor, teacher of KNTU
Anastasia Kuntsevska, professor of psychology
Oleksandr Zavalsky, Honored Artist of Ukraine
Adelina Borets, film director
Oleksandr Pustarnakov, sound engineer
Oleksandra Vityazeva, screenwriter
Oleksiy Kulesha, photographer
Olena Grom, laureate and winner of international competitions, finalist of LensCulture Portrait Awards UK, YICCA International Contest of Contemporary Art, Kaunas Photo Star Lithuania, Slovak Press Photo, The Tokyo International Foto Awards
Oleksiy Komarovskyi, screenwriter, expert at the Ukrainian Cultural Fund
Oleksandr Raskazov, producer of UMH radio holding
Oleksiy Pelepeichenko, rehabilitation doctor, volunteer
Andriy Babik, screenwriter, head of the Guild of Screenwriters of Ukraine
Hanna Zakharash, PR director of "Kyivstar"
Natalia Krupa, founder of "Asteroid" production
Andriy Rybin, co-founder of the "Propeler" studio
Vitaly Rozenko, co-founder of the "Propeler" studio
Dmytro Gudov, sound engineer
Mykhailo Voychuk, honored actor of Ukraine
Oleksiy Gedeonov, writer
Viola Burda, journalist
Victoria Khmelnytska (Belous), actress
Alina Semyeryakova, screenwriter
Alina Piskaryova, volunteer
Ksenia Didenko, film producer
Anton Kasyan, film producer
Lidia Voloshko, doctor, volunteer
Bohdan Borysenko, cinematographer
Marta Molfar (Natalia Lukyanets), journalist, screenwriter, public figure, volunteer
Anton Baibakov, composer
Olena Deineko, coordinator of the "Organic Initiative" association, head of the Organic Business educational project
Andriy Pochtarenko, teacher
Ruslan Shelenko, citizen
Mykhailo Agafonov, public activist, beneficiary of the "Without Borders" project
Olesya Zadyraka, journalist
Maryna Kornilova, project manager, researcher, IBF "Alliance of Public Health"
Andriy Tvardievich, programmer
Kostyantyn Gomma, communicator
As IMI reported, on March 10, the Investigative Committee of Russia announced the "sentences" issued by ORDLO "courts" to three Ukrainian POWs: Maksym Butkevych (13 years in prison), Viktor Pokhoziy (8,5 years) and Vladyslav Shelya (18,5 years).
The men were convicted for "of abusing the civilian population and using prohibited methods in an armed conflict (Part 1 of Article 356 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)."
The Ukraine 5AM Coalition condemned the "sentences" issued by the "courts" of ORDLO to three Ukrainian POWs, including human rights activist Maksym Butkevych.
The "Ukrane 5AM" coalition began on February 25, 2022 – the day after the new stage of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine started. As of now, the coalition has 31 members – Ukrainian and international public organizations.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also called on the international community to condemn the sentence issued to POW, human rights advocate Butkevych.
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