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GPU keeps silent about bugging journalists of Ukrainska pravda

23.12.2016, 14:12

Prosecutor General's Office (GP) did not provide information about wiretapping journalists of Ukrainska pravda with during 2014-2016 years. GP is stating that results of investigation and person who is being under operational and investigative actions are classified and undisclosable information.

First Deputy Prosecutor General Dmytro Storozhuk stated the reply of GPU on the appeal of MP Serhiy Leshchenko, Ukrainska Pravda says. In the answer, GP refers to the Law of Ukraine "On Operational-Investigative Activities" (art.9) and the Law of Ukraine "On State Secrets" (art.6,8), the information is under seal of secrecy. "These data are the property of units comprehensively listed in Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Operational-Investigative Activities."

In addition, GP quoted article 253 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, to notify persons to whom conducted covert investigative (detective) of the "Individuals whose constitutional rights were temporarily restricted during conducting covert investigative (detective) actions, as well as the suspect, his/ her defense counsel shall be informed about such restriction in written form by public prosecutor or, upon his instruction, by investigator."

As IMI reported earlier, October 28, journalists "Ukrainian Pravda published a statement demanding the President Petro Poroshenko and security officials to explain why workers of UP edition had been wiretapped throughout the year. The electronic newspaper noted that they recieved an investigative reports on UP staff conversations, since October 2015.



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