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"Do TeBe" states that accredited journalists couldn't get into the opening of the TV tower at Karachun

07.12.2016, 16:25

The  "Do TeBe" TV channel (branch of the National Television Company of Ukraine "Donetsk Regional Directorate") claims that the Security Service of Ukraine and the Department of State Guard inhibit the work of Pavlo Palahuty, the journalist of the channel, at the opening of the TV tower at the Karachun Mount Dec.5.

The channel considers unacceptable the selectivity assumption of journalists to public official events with the President of Ukraine participation. This was said in a channel's statement, released on the website.

The channel "Do TeBe" notices that in order to highlight the opening of the TV tower by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, accredited the crew consisting of a journalist and cameraman at the press service of the Donetsk Regional State Administration according to the established procedure.

"The press service of the Donetsk Regional State Administration provided centralized transfer of media representatives to the event. Upon arrival to the Karachun mountain, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Department of State Guard, without official explanation, did not allow journalist of accredited channel "Do TeBe" Pavlo Palahuty and several more representatives of other media to cover the event. Thus impede the realization of their professional duties guaranteed by law "- says the statement.

Due to this fact the channel expresses concern and "considers unacceptable the selectivity assumption of journalists to public official events with the participation of the Guarantor of the Constitution of Ukraine."

December 5 in Sloviansk (Donetsk region) opened the restored TV tower at the Karachun mountain, which was destroyed during the warfare in 2014 and which transmit a signal of  theUkrainian broadcasters. The opening of the tower was held by the President of Ukraine - Petro Poroshenko.

Photo - "Do TeBe"

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