Фото - скріншот з відео Дмитра Гордона
Phto credit: screeshot from Dmytro Gordon's video
The founder of the web-based edition “Gordon” Dmytro Gordon said he faced the threat to be killed due to his statement on leader of Ukrainian nationalists Stepan Bandera, as to Hromadske.ua.
Dmytro Gordon told that Iryna Faryon, member of Svoboda party, and Ihor Stepura, deputy to head of Kirovograd regional council, called for killing Gordon. The cause of that calls was his interview to Politeka edition, where Dmytro Gordon told he did not like Bandera, because he had been “precursor of many interethnic issues in Ukraine”. Gordon cited affirmations made by Stepura and Faryon in the social networks where they said Gordon had to die for having uttered such things.
Gordon added he was going to appeal to the Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, to head of Security service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasyl Grytsak and the Minister of the Interior Arsen Avakov sending them official letters.
“I call on the heads of law enforcement and security bodies to take immediate measures in reactiion to the calls to kill me uttered by Iryna Faryon and Ihor Stepura”, Gordon told. He called on the head of state to react as well.
IMI reported February 11, some unknown persons placed a pork head at the entry of the editorial office of “Gordon” in Kyiv. Dmytro Gordon
filed a complaint to the police due to this incident.