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Court re-consider case of beating of Yevhen Polozhiy

02.08.2019, 16:17
Photo credit: screenshot from UA:Sumy On August 1, the Kovpakivsky district court in Sumy questioned the accused of beating of the editor-in-chief of “Panorama” newspaper Yevhen Polozhiy, as to the court website. Thus, the investigative body pressed charges against the man who would have been acting together with another unidentified person and caused bodily harm to the editor in chief of “Panorama”. Next hearing within the case #592/7933/15 was scheduled to 23 August . IMI reported, on May 8, 2018, the Kovpakivsky district court of Sumy acquitted the suspect M. charged with hooliganism and causing of bodily harm to the editor-in-chief of the Panorama newspaper Yevhen Polozhiy. On April 19, 2019, the Sumy court of appeal overturned the decision of the Kovpakiv district court of Sumy, which acquitted the suspect. On April 15, 2014, late in the evening in Sumy, two unidentified persons wearing balaclavas brutally beaten Yevhen Polozhiy in his garage. As a result, he suffered a severe brain concussion, numerous bodily blows and compound dislocation of the arm with a tear of tissues. Police in the Sumy region previously qualified the case as "hooliganism". However, after the incident caused public outcry, the case was re-qualified as "intentionally causing moderate bodily harm". The police noted that the attack on Poloziy could be related to his professional activity. Yevhen Polozhiy told IMI that he related that attack to his journalistic activities. On May 22, 2015, the police a resident of Sumy was served with charges of hooliganism and causing intentional bodily harm to the editor-in-chief of Panorama newspaper, Yevhen Polozhiy. (part 1 of Art. 122, part 2 of Art.296 of the Criminal Code).
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