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Court partially satisfies of deputy Fris's claim against

22.11.2023, 13:42

The Ivano-Frankivsk City Court partially satisfied deputy Ihor Fris's claim against the editors. Fris demanded a refutation of the information that the media outlet previously reported in the news piece "Prykarpattia deputy refuses to sign the appeal to withdraw the OPFL deputies' mandates, reports Chesno", according to the editorial statement.

The appeal to the parliament leadership was initiated by deputy Oleh Dunda, which the "CHESNO" Movement reported and shared on their page. The article lists the deputies who signed this appeal: namely, Oksana Savchuk, Eduard Proshchuk, Oleh Marusyak, and Olena Vintonyak.

Ihor Fris was also approached to sign the appeal, but refused to do so, citing Article 81 of the Constitution of Ukraine, since the procedure for withdrawing deputies' mandates does contradicts this article.

In his statement of claim to the "Galka" editors, Ihor Fris explained that he considers the published information to be untrustworthy (distorted), as he is a co-author of three other appeals to the parliament spokesperson on this issue and at least two draft bills on a similar topic.

In the lawsuit, Mr. Fris called the "Galka" article insulting, as it garnered over 80 comments (mostly negative towards him), over 60 shares and over 100 "angry" reactions.

Judge Stanislav Borodovsky partially agreed with the plaintiff and ordered Galka to post a rebuttal with the following content:

"Prykarpattia deputy Ihor Fris is not among the deputies who did not sign the appeal to Ruslan Stefanchuk calling him to revoke the mandates of deputies who were elected from the outlawed pro-Russian parties."

The judge did not mention the issue of the deputy's honor, dignity and business reputation, at least not in the resolution part. promises to publish the editors' official stance on this matter after receiving the full text of the judgement, which they also promise to release to the public.

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