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Bihus comments on the provocative video with his employees, claims surveillance

16.01.2024, 15:19
Photo: screenshot from Bihus.Info
Photo: screenshot from Bihus.Info

The head of the Bihus.Info project, Denys Bihus, recorded a statement in response to a video in which his employees negotiate the purchase of drugs and use them. He explained that the video was recorded covertly by unknown persons at the team's corporate New Year party in a hotel complex outside the city.

Bihus emphasized that it was camerapeople, not journalists, using drugs. He fired the former and now encourages people to send in their resumes and join the team.

Despite the announced staff changes, Denys Bihus points out that the actions of the unknown persons who filmed the video were unlawful.

"But, first, their phones were tapped as they discussed their need to buy it because they 'won't make it through the party' otherwise. Secondly, a camera was installed in the building where they stayed, which filmed them consuming it," said Denys Bihus.

Denys Bihus noted that he will not condemn anyone for consuming "weed", but the editorial team has a staff purge ahead of it.

"I'm not sure if all the decisions I'm making are the right ones. I'm pretty wound up right now, making work decisions based on what people do in their free time. And while we're here: we're hiring camerapeople. Send in your resumes and, apparently, your narcologist's approval or a rehab certificate to the email address under this video," Denys Bihus concluded.

In the description to the video, the editor notes:

"The team is aware of how serious the situation is. Of course, the wiretapping and surveillance were illegal, and the intentions of the perpetrators are clear. But this does not excuse what we saw in the video, namely the use of prohibited substances by several of our colleagues", says the message.

The editors also noted that everyone who works with Bihus.Info will be tested for drug use. Viewers will be notified of the results in their Telegram channel.

"We would like to sincerely apologize to the audience. Email address for the camerapeople's CVs: [email protected]," the editors remark.

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