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Court imposed 357 thousands UAH for moral damage to be paid by editor in chief of “” for posting on Facebook

24.04.2019, 16:55
The Babushkinsky district court in Dnipro ordered to impose upon Yuriy Butusov, editor in chief of “”, to pay 357 thousands of hryvnias ($13 400) for moral damage for an untruthful information published on December 2018 in his personal Facebook page “Poroshenko attended at public prayer in Church of Nativity of Virgin Mary in Dnipropetrovska region. The church service held by Metropolitan of Kyiv and all of Ukraine Epiphaniy”. As Butusov wrote in a blog at "", this posting was accompanied with a picture of Poroshenko and a businessman Oleksander Petrovsky, mentioned a quotation of Yuriy Lutsenko, Prosecutor General from “Dzerkalo Tyzhnya” , saying that Petrovsky well known in certain milieu as “Narik” (drug addict) figured in several criminal proceedings as a boss of organized crime structure. The judges decided this information had to be refuted. But as to Yuriy Butusov, this Lutsenko quotation was published in a weekly “Dzerkalo tyzhdnya”, the picture was taken from the web-site of the head of state. “But what shocked me the most, the judge Tetyana Yelisyeeva issued this decision IN MY ABSENCE, that’s to say without any attempt to inform me the trial was on. This is illegal. But this illegal judgment is fulfilled by the enforcement service” Yuriy Butusov told. IMI informed earlier, that the businessman Oleksander Petrovsky sued "" and its editor in chief Yuriy Butusov for having covered him in a negative aspect.
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