Rating of mass media by adherence to standards of journalism. First quarter of 2018

In the first quarter of 2018, the leaders of the rating of adherence to the standards of journalism in online media outlets were two websites - «Liga.net» and «Ukrinform», where 96% of materials were written without violating the standards of journalism. Of the printed media outlets, the leader of adherence to the standards of journalism is newspaper «Segodnia» – 78% of published materials were without violations.

These are the results of the IMI monitoring of adherence to the key standards of journalism in 10 online media outlets and in 5 printed media outlets, which is conducted with support of Internews Network*.
Among online media outlets, the lowest results in adherence to professional standards of journalism were shown by the website «Strana.ua», which had only 56% of published materials without violation of professional standards of journalism.
Based on the results of the monitoring, in the first quarter of 2018, the standard of balance of opinions was the most violated one in online media outlets: in average, 12% of materials of national level media outlets were unbalanced. The best balance of opinions standard adherence was demonstrated by media outlet Liga.net, where there were practically no violations of this standard.
In the printed media outlets category, the standard of accuracy was the one violated most often - in average, in 27% of published materials. The lowest level of violation of the standard of accuracy was registered in the newspaper «Fakty i Kommentarii».
More details about the monitoring results can be found at the link
*The monitoring covered the following media outlets: «Ukrainska pravda», Liga.net, UNAN, Ukrinform, Korrespondent.net, 112.ua, TSN.ua, Strana.ua, «Obozrevatel» and Censor.net, «Vesti», «Segodnia», «KP v Ukrainie», «Fakty i Kommentarii» and «Hazeta po-ukrayinsky» (HPU).
**The methodology of the monitoring can be found at the website of IMI at the link.
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