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On October 1, IMI holds 3rd legal webinar on new electoral code

28.09.2020, 12:30

On October 1, at 4:00 p.m., IMI starts its third legal webinar for journalists and other media professionals in a series dedicated to local elections. The topic of the webinar is “Information support of election procedure”. 

The webinar is to cover the issues:

-informing about the election procedure and its difference from campaigning : the legal status of the relevant information;

-information about the candidate - when it is not campaigning;

-legal requirements for informing about the election procdure; 

-responsibility of mass media and journalists in case of violation.

The coach: IMI lawyer Ali Safarov.

Registered participants will get a link to the Zoom conference. 

The duration of the webinar is one and a half hours, the format of "questions and answers" is provided.

To participate in the webinar you need to fill out an online questionnaire . Deadline: 14:00 on October 1.

The event is free.

It will be recalled that from September 17 to October 15, inclusive, IMI holds a series of free webinars for journalists and other media workers on local elections "New Electoral Code: Answers for Journalists."

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